Terms of Use of the Medical Assistants Schools and Careers Dot Com Website

Terms of Use of the Medical Assistants Schools and Careers Dot Com Website
Copywrite for Medical Assistants Schools and Careers Dot Com

COPYWRITE (c) 2009
The contents of this Medical Assistants Schools and Careers Dot Com website are the intellectual property of Kenneth Echie. You may print and download the information on this site for non-commercial use. To do so, you must agree not to change the copywrite information.

There may be contents on this website that reference other sites or publishers. The copywrite of those references belong to their owners and/or holders.

Kenneth will pursue or correct any copywrite issues upon notification. Please use the Contact link to your left to contact Kenneth for such copywrite issues/problems.

All Rights Reserved Worldwide!


The information on this Medical Assistants Schools and Careers Dot Com web site was gathered from months of research. It relies on information from third parties that are believed to be reliable and accurate. There exist possibilities of mechanical and/or human errors. The publishers and authors are not responsible for such errors. The information is published "AS IS" and the user bears all responsibilities for its use. There are no warranties expressed or implied.

It is further stated that the publishers and authors do not guarantee that the user of the web site will benefit from the information contained herein. As with most websites, the user may benefit more or less.

The publishers and authors are not legal or accounting experts. It is recommended that the user consult these experts and other required professionals or government agencies before commencing any activities.

The above disclaimer also covers the newsletters, e-courses, and other correspondence that go with this website.

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